In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the fabric of society, understanding its trajectory is more crucial than ever. Our conversation with Diego Bravo, a Ph.D. in Mathematics and seasoned Senior Data Scientist at Techie Talent, offered profound insights into AI's recent developments, ethical considerations, and the future. With a rich background in data analytics, Diego has been at the forefront of integrating AI into real-world applications, particularly in the US truck logistics industry, where he is currently leading the development of end-to-end AI models at Techie Talent. His passion for solving complex problems using data, math, and coding has contributed to advancements in Generative AI, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Pricing Optimization, Forecasting, and more. Diego's insights are invaluable for anyone looking to understand or engage with the latest in AI.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democratization of AI: 2023 was pivotal in making AI tools like GenAI accessible to a wider audience.
  • Classic AI vs. GenAI: While GenAI has broadened AI's appeal, classic AI remains crucial for solving specific business and societal challenges. Tools like AutoML are bridging the gap, making AI more user-friendly for non-experts.
  • AI Business Strategy Misconceptions: Successful AI adoption transcends technology; it necessitates a clear problem-solving approach, deep AI understanding, and preparedness in data and infrastructure.
  • Advancements in Text-to-video AI:  This rapidly evolving field promises to redefine content creation, offering new possibilities for generating high-quality videos from text inputs.
  • Prioritizing Ethical AI: As AI becomes increasingly embedded in our lives, ethical considerations and robust data governance are crucial for its responsible use and progress.

The Democratization of AI: A World of Possibilities

Looking back, 2023 was a landmark year for AI, with the democratization of Generative AI (GenAI) being a pivotal moment. Diego Bravo speaks about this democratization, which has significantly lowered the barriers to entry for utilizing AI technologies and leveraging AI's capabilities for creative and analytical tasks. This shift has not only made powerful tools accessible to a broader audience but has also sparked a wave of invention across various industries, from content creation to coding assistance and more. Diego notes, "With tools like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT, AI is no longer just for data scientists. It's for everyone, opening a world of possibilities." He shares an example that illustrates this shift: "Consider GitHub Copilot; it's like having a co-pilot in coding, where the AI assists in generating code snippets. It's not just about making tasks easier but also about making them accessible to a wider audience."

Classic AI vs. Generative AI: Complementary Forces

Diego distinguishes between classic AI and GenAI, emphasizing that while GenAI has captured the public's imagination, the backbone of AI's utility in business and society remains in its classic applications like Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, General Predictive Models, Optimization, and Reinforcement Learning. He points out, "GenAI is just a part of the broader AI ecosystem. For many business problems, classic AI is still the go-to solution." 

He also mentions how GenAI, alongside tools like AutoML, is helping to democratize classic AI, making it more accessible to non-developers and simplifying its use for businesses. Diego believes that areas such as AutoML, which automates the process of applying machine learning to real-world problems, along with the supportive role of GenAI in AI development, will continue to experience rapid growth this year.

The Critical Role of Data

Diego emphasizes that "the quality and availability of data are crucial for the development and deployment of AI technologies." He outlines the significant challenges businesses encounter in data collection and management, underlining the importance of robust data governance to facilitate effective AI applications. "Data is the lifeblood of AI," Diego asserts, highlighting its pivotal role in driving innovation and shaping the development of AI solutions. He advocates for transparent data practices, urging businesses to prioritize not just the collection of data but also its strategic utilization to promote innovation and ensure responsible AI development. "Consider the example of facial recognition technology," he suggests. "While it's a powerful tool, its deployment requires careful consideration to avoid privacy breaches and biases, underscoring the critical need for a comprehensive approach to data management and engineering throughout the AI end-to-end process."

Misconceptions and the Path Forward for Businesses

When discussing the management of AI strategies in companies, Diego addresses common misconceptions among business leaders keen on implementing AI, urging them to see beyond the allure of AI as a panacea. "AI is not merely about leveraging technology for its own sake. It's about addressing real problems, which demands a thorough understanding of the issue at hand, access to relevant data, and an appropriate methodology," he advises. He underscores the necessity for companies to grasp the fundamentals of AI and to ensure they possess the requisite data and infrastructure before embarking on AI initiatives.

For startups, Diego recognizes the vast opportunities AI offers but also acknowledges the challenges they face in a field often dominated by larger tech corporations. "To hold their ground, startups must innovate genuinely and swiftly accumulate substantial data sets. Otherwise, they risk being overshadowed by larger entities," he cautions, reiterating the importance of data as the cornerstone of AI.

The Evolution and Future of Text-to-Video AI

As we delve deeper into the realm of artificial intelligence, the rapid evolution of generative AI capabilities becomes increasingly evident. The year 2023 marked a significant leap in text-to-image generation, showcasing the power of AI tools like Midjourney and DALL-E. These tools not only demonstrated AI's ability to understand and visualize textual content but also opened up new avenues for creative and practical applications. However, the journey of generative AI is far from over.

Entering 2024, the spotlight shifts towards an even more ambitious frontier: text-to-video. This domain represents a considerable leap in complexity, requiring the generation of visually coherent frames and the integration of these frames into fluid, dynamic videos that adhere to a given narrative or prompt. The challenges in this area are manifold, encompassing aspects of visual quality, temporal consistency, and the ability to capture the nuances of storytelling through video.

An example of this is the recently launched SORA model by OpenAI. SORA can generate videos up to a minute long while maintaining visual quality and adherence to the user’s prompt.  This progress is not just incremental; it represents a quantum leap from the capabilities of text-to-video models available in mid-2023. The improvements in AI's ability to interpret and visualize complex narratives through video are nothing short of revolutionary.

This rapid development pace suggests a future where the creation of high-quality video content from textual descriptions becomes accessible to a broader audience. Just as text and image generation models have democratized content creation, text-to-video AI holds the potential to revolutionize storytelling, marketing, education, and more. By the end of 2024, we may well see text-to-video AI becoming as ubiquitous and user-friendly as its predecessors, breaking down barriers between imagination and visual representation.

“The implications of such advancements are profound. They promise a future where creativity is not limited by technical skill or access to expensive resources but is instead empowered by AI, enabling anyone with an idea to bring their visions to life in dynamic, engaging video formats,” Diego notes. As we look towards this horizon, it's clear that the journey of generative AI is shaping a new paradigm in how we create, consume, and interact with digital content.

Ethical AI: Navigating the Future with Responsibility

Diego predicts that 2024 will also see advancements in ethical AI, data collection, and management. The need for ethical considerations and regulations becomes critical as AI technologies become more integrated into our daily lives. “The democratization of AI brings with it the responsibility to prevent its misuse, such as deepfakes and privacy violations. We need more awareness and education on the potential dangers of AI, alongside technological solutions to identify AI-generated content," he concludes. "We need to develop AI literacy among the general public. People should be able to understand not just the benefits but also the potential risks of AI.”

To contextualize this further, ethical AI refers to the practice of designing, developing, and deploying AI to benefit humans while minimizing harm. This practice is guided by ethical principles that consider the impact of AI technologies on human rights, democracy, and the societal good. Ethical AI seeks to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used in ways that are fair, transparent, accountable, and free of bias, thereby safeguarding human rights and dignity.

Quoting Paula Goldman, Salesforce's Chief Ethical and Humane Use Officer, Diego emphasizes the importance of working closely with engineers and product managers to review plans, ensuring that safeguards are built into AI products to anticipate consequences and guarantee their beneficial use. This approach underscores the commitment to acceptable AI use policies, aiming for inclusive products accessible to everyone. Diego stresses, "We must be vigilant about the potential misuse of AI and work towards creating a regulatory framework that encourages innovation while protecting individuals' rights and safety."


As we navigate the complexities and marvels of the AI revolution, insights from visionaries like Diego Bravo are invaluable. They not only highlight our journey's direction but also underscore the importance of ethical considerations, the democratization of technology, and the need for strategic implementation in the business world.

For businesses and individuals eager to delve into the vast possibilities of AI, engaging with experts like Diego Bravo from Techie Talent can provide crucial guidance. Whether you're developing new AI models or integrating AI into your operations, embarking on this journey with the right mix of knowledge, strategy, and an acute awareness of both its power and its pitfalls is essential.

At Techie Talent, we are committed to altering the status quo, driven by a culture of transparency and honesty in all our nearshore tech services. Whether you're exploring AI for the first time or aiming to amplify your existing capabilities, our team of experts is on hand to support your exploration.

Contact us today to schedule a free discovery call and explore how our AI nearshore development services can empower your business to navigate the future of AI with confidence.