In the dynamic world of software development, quality should never be an afterthought. Adopting a "Shift Left" approach means integrating quality assurance (QA) practices from the earliest stages of the development cycle. This approach improves the final product's quality and optimizes the development process, saving time and resources. 

The role of QA in the early stages

QA plays a crucial role from the beginning of the development cycle. Instead of merely testing the final product, QA works closely with the product owner and stakeholders in defining User Stories (US). This early collaboration allows QA to ask essential questions that help clarify requirements and build a comprehensive list of acceptance criteria.

By participating in ticket creation, QA gains an in-depth understanding of the features before development starts. This advanced understanding allows QA to start designing tests before the code starts. This proactive approach ensures that the tests are aligned with the project's goals and requirements from the outset.

Stepping out of the end-of-the-cycle box

Traditionally, QA has been seen as the last line of defense, working at the end of the development cycle to find and fix errors. However, QA needs to step out of this end-of-the-cycle box to maximize their impact and get involved early. This shift in mindset is essential for QA to add significant value at every stage of development.

By integrating early, QA helps identify potential issues before they become costly errors and contributes to defining and clarifying requirements. This early involvement is key to ensuring that development is more complete and error-proof from the start.

Collaboration with developers

Once a feature is developed, QA works closely with developers to ensure everyone understands the ticket's requirements. This joint effort involves reviewing and discussing acceptance criteria and anticipating possible scenarios and edge cases that need to be considered during development.

This collaboration has a dual effect: it helps developers keep testing scenarios in mind while coding, which can prevent the introduction of errors, and it provides QA with a clear vision of what is expected from the software, facilitating the creation of effective tests. By helping define acceptance criteria, QA contributes to more robust development and ensures that these criteria are clear and complete.

TDD and BDD: Complementary approaches

When developers and QA work together, automation can be implemented before the coding starts, ensuring that all requirements covered by the test cases are met. While other levels of automation can be introduced after the feature is ready, early automation provides a crucial first safety net for development. 

  • TDD (Test-Driven Development): Primarily used by developers, TDD involves writing tests before the code itself. This ensures that the code meets the required specifications from the outset. TDD helps developers focus on the task and create cleaner, more efficient code.

  • BDD (Behavior-Driven Development): BDD is more suited for QA automation. It focuses on the application's behavior from the user's perspective. By using natural language constructs (given-when-then), BDD tests are easier for all stakeholders to understand, bridging the gap between technical and non-technical team members. BDD encourages collaboration and ensures that all features meet business requirements.

Benefits of early QA involvement

When the feature is ready for testing, QA already has a deep understanding of its purpose and functionality. This allows them to conduct more thorough and precise tests to validate all aspects discussed during development. 

Early QA involvement translates into several key benefits:

  1. Continuous Quality: Quality is applied throughout the development process, not just at the end. This reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures a more robust final product.

  1. Solid Acceptance Criteria: Well-defined acceptance criteria result in more complete and error-proof development. QA significantly contributes to this definition, ensuring that all eventualities are considered from the start.

  1. Better Project Understanding: Constant collaboration between QA and developers creates a shared understanding of the project. This facilitates communication and ensures everyone works towards the same goal.

  1. Proactive Testing: By designing tests before the code is finished, QA can identify and mitigate potential problems from the beginning. This not only improves code quality but also accelerates the testing process.

  1. Problem Prevention: Developers who are aware of the acceptance criteria and testing scenarios from the beginning can take measures to avoid problems. This reduces rework and improves team efficiency.

  1. Cost Reduction: A bug prevented during the definition or development stage costs cents, while a bug found in production can cost thousands. Early detection and prevention of bugs improve product quality and significantly impact project costs.


In the fast-paced world of software development, quality assurance (QA) is essential from the outset. At Techie Talent, we believe in the power of early QA involvement to optimize the development process and enhance the final product's quality. Our "Shift Left" approach integrates QA practices from the beginning, ensuring proactive testing, solid acceptance criteria, and seamless collaboration with developers.

Ready to elevate your QA strategy? 

At Techie Talent, we offer comprehensive QA services designed to align with your project goals and ensure superior software quality. If you're looking to enhance your development process and deliver error-free software, contact us today to schedule a free strategy call. Let’s build the future of technology together.